Invisible Braces in Knowle, Solihull & Sutton Coldfield

Invisible braces have been designed for people who want to have beautiful straight teeth, but don’t want to have a mouth full of metal to achieve this. Here at Smile Spa we are able to offer an invisible brace Solihull service to those patients who wish to straighten crooked or wonky teeth. The techniques are also useful for patients who have gaps between their teeth, and the results can be seen in as little as six months. Our experienced dentists will advise each patient regarding which technique would be most suitable for them individually, but each of these systems are designed to:

  • Fit in with your lifestyle
  • Be comfortable
  • Not affect your confidence when you are smiling
  • Be completely discreet – people may not even notice you are wearing braces
  • Fast treatment – teeth may be straightened in as little as six months

Systems Available

At Smile Spa we only offer the best and most proven invisible braces systems:


Invisible Braces in Sutton Coldfield


Invisible Braces in Sutton Coldfield

To find out more about invisible braces or to book a free consultation at Smile Spa Solihull or Sutton Coldfield, please give us a call on 01564 772 184(Solihull practice) or 0121 378 4875 (Sutton Coldfield practice).